Mariama and Lamine love each other passionately. When he decides to go to town to make his fortune, Lamine is unaware that Mariama’s father has promised her hand to rich, 60-year-old Bakary. As soon as she discovers her father’s plans, Mariama tries to escape, but she is caught. Mariama denounces the forced marriage in front of the authorities and is sent to jail. Soon her capacity to resist and her innocence make her a symbol for all the prisoners. Spiderwebs was adapted from a novel written by Ibrahima Ly during the four years he spent in prison after writing a pro-democracy tract.

HD 16/9



Awarded at Fespaco 2013 (African Union Prize and Sembène Ousmane Prize)


Directed by: Ibrahima Touré
Production: CNCM Centre National de la Cinématographie du Mali
Starring: Viviane Sidibé, Boubacar Belco Diallo, Hamadoun Kassogué and Fanta Bereté
Original language: Bambara / Available with French and English subtitles
Country: (Mali)

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